My freedom only cost me 5 slices of cheese.
There were about ten things my mom drilled into my subconscious as a chitlin.
1.) boys only want one thing.
2.) your home represents you, if your home is dirty that means you are dirty.
3.) fake it till you make it.
I'll spare you this time from sitting through my entire therapy session on why I am the way that I am. So forget the whole list and only focus on #2.
Clean! Clean! Clean! That was my life. If I wanted to go out, better clean up first. If I wanted to have people over, better scrub. If I wanted s new shirt...or to make a sandwich...or to go check the get it. "Did you clean" was my dream killer. With all that cleaning, you'd think I'd have OCD, instead I have HIN. Hide IT Now. Junk drawer, trash, closet, another junk drawer...I didn't learn to clean, I learned how to make it appear clean. I probably just got confused between #2 and #3 on momma's list.
However, what I did become obsessive about is....people coming to my house. I stress about it. I need at least 2 weeks notice before someone comes over just so I can organize the medicines in the medicine cabinet (because I know nosey people look there!) or rearrange the furniture or hang updated pictures on the wall. I KNOW how horrible that is. I could run the gamut on sistah-girlfriend-talk here. "You can't let what other people think affect you"..."Perfection will kill you"..."Just DO YOU"..
I know...I'm working on it.
Back to the cheese.
We're in the middle of moving, which means everything is a huge mess. I'm in the middle of needing a touch up, which means I'm a hot mess. And guess what happens...
Ding Dong.
You gotta be shitting me.
Nope...Ding Dong again.
Its my neighbor. I hesitate to open the door because I was just cleaning out the kitchen and I have flour all over my shirt (mishap), I have on mismatched shorts, my hair is in uneven pigtails and the living room had become a breeding ground for unfolded clothes and boxes and shoes searching for their mate. Sigh...
I answer anyway because its my neighbor and I want to be neighborly...afterall, what would he think of me if I didn't answer the door? There I go again...
Me: Hey
Apt 4: Hey, sorry to bother you (his eyes are trying to stay focused on me and not the mess or the baby running around in a basketball jersey and no pants because he ran away too fast when I was trying to change him) but could you spare like 5 pieces of sliced cheese?
Me: Sure..
Cheese exchanges hands. Thanks are given. Door is closed.
For the next 5 minutes I start talking loudly like a jackass by the front door about PACKING and MOVING and THIS HOUSE IS SO MESSY BECAUSE I'M get the idea. I want him to hear me so that he knows I'm not messy...I'm moving! And then I catch myself.
I'm still alive. The walls did not crumble. My skin didn't break out in hives. I'm still here and I'm still me, albeit a tad embarrassed, but I'm here and living on. Life moved past that uncomfortable moment of shame. All these years I've been scared to death for someone to see my house in its "natural" state, when its not staged. I don't know what I thought would happen, but it didn't.
Which reminded me of what someone once said to me:
"You wouldn't be so concerned about what people thought if only you knew how little they think of you."
Five stinkin slices of American cheese....that's all it took to break the spell? Who knew!
And...what do I have to be ashamed about? I'm not the one borrowing "spare" cheese. Umph!
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