Thursday, August 23

mad happy.

A-1 got in "trouble" in class. Mad.

Why? Because she said (not teased, not taunt, just said as an opinion) to a classmate "My mom looks better than your mom". Happy.

She could have said "I wish my mom looked like YOUR mom"...

How do you punish that? With kisses & ice cream!

Friday, August 17

the fridge is loud.

So...all the A's are at school. I thought for sure I'd be jumping out of skin with joy but on the contrary...I'm sad. I feel like running upstairs and tying a Cabbage Patch doll around my waist just to feel like I have a baby tugging on me. Classes start for me on Monday so I won't trip for too long..but today the house is too still. I could be cleaning or organizing or washing clothes but that makes too much sense. I much rather miss my kids & be lazy.

I'm feeling much better today in case you were wondering.

I think I'll watch Real Sex on demand in the middle of the day!


Thursday, August 16

Woe is me.

Yes, it is indeed one of those days. I feel friendless. Is it possible to just be a person who doesn't do well in friendships? I guess. I am to friendships as I am to blogs. And judging from the dates that past between my see that I'm not the best of friends when it comes to staying in contact. I could live inside this little world I've created at home without anyone else except...sometimes on a arbitrary Thursday..I'll feel the effects of cutting people off too quickly on the phone or not returning emails promptly.

Le sigh.

I'll be better tomorrow. <-- That is my quick fix to every problem. Don't bother with dealing with it today just assume by tomorrow you'll forget which is just as good as actually being better.

Thumbs up!

Wednesday, August 15

I am alive...but barely.

I have the 24-hour stomach bug that is over staying it's welcome.

That's my latest excuse. I'll think of a better one tomorrow. I've been knocking around the idea of doing 100 posts in a row...but I think that sounds like too much obligation for a person who can hardly get her kid to kindergarten on time every hold your breath for that one.. wait, don't.

Got my hair cut today & I think she went too short. Did I just say I got my haircut AFTER I confessed to having a stomach bug? I believe in sharing. Why keep all the goodness of this quick weight loss diet to myself? I'm a selfish pig who couldn't reschedule. Don't judge me or I'll lick my screen. :-p

I should really update you on A-1's first day of school..but I really am sick, cute as ever in my haircut, but seriously sick. And I'm tired. Soooo very tired. Aren't you getting tired reading this? Which reminds me to look up why yawning is so contagious. I'm back, I just looked it up. Gotta love firefox's tabs. But so says "medical research" it's an unconscious response & even chimpanzees will yawn back. Wow.

I need to keep a notepad on my person to note all the things I want to look up on google. I just started saying "on my person" did that go? Did it work for you? I saw someone say it in John From Cincinnati and I thought I'd try it out. I'll keep working at it.

Alright I'm tired. Time to tie up my hair & fall asleep watching Conan.

Good night, sleep tight.